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A Hero Has Been Called Home:Farewell Dr Leonard Martin

I would like to believe that an academic as outstanding as Dr Leonard Martin has a special place reserved amongst the Angels because of his humanitarian heart and acts he performed for our people.

As Paramount Chief Glen Taaibosch and Anthony Phillip Williams have stated, the legend, the renowned, well respected activist of the ‘coloured’, Khoi and San movement, Dr Leonard Martin, passed away on 28 April 2020 and was interned on 9 May 2020.

Dr Leonard Martin’s death was a great loss and shock to the Khoi and San Chiefs and community because there was hope for his recovery in order for him to continue his commitment to freeing the ‘coloured’, Khoi and San community, as he was disenchanted by the opportunistic ANC government policies. He was a tenacious and steadfast activist who fought tooth and nail for the Khoi and San Nation to be recognized and established as the First Indigenous Nation of South Africa.

According to Paramount Chief Glen Taaibosch in the last five years Dr Leonard Martin was relentless in his pursuit of having the ‘coloured’ Khoi and San community freed from the marginalisation they still suffer from the present ANC government. Paramount Chief Glen Taaibosch said that Dr Leonard Martin was a well-respected and very well-spoken academic whom people often queried about and wanted to know who he was because he was so impressive. They wanted to know about his standing in the coloured Khoi and San movement. What was remarkable about Dr Leonard Martin was he knew facts and the history of the ‘coloured’ and Khoi and San, yet he did not affiliate himself with any of the Khoi and San houses.

Dr Leonard Martin was a true warrior who fought for the rights of ‘marginalised and alienated’ coloured Khoi and San people, especially to have them united. A true son of the soil who will be remembered for his passion, selflessness and staunch believes for complete freedom, carried no label, but was in total support of the Khoi and San movement.

The reason Dr Leonard Martin was given a ceremonial send off, befitting a hero, was that Paramount Chief Glen Taaibosch of the Taaibosch Koranna Royal House felt that he needed to arrange a send off in honour of him. Thus, he arranged for Anthony Phillip Williams to give the Tribute at the church service. Anthony had previously posted a tribute on social media entitled, “We cannot begin to imagine whom we have lost.” He said that it was hard to comprehend “the news of the tremendous spirit, who departed the earth realm in exchange of his earthly body for an eternal costume.” He spoke of his admiration for Dr Leonard Martin for whom he had great regard as an intellectual, a knowledgeable academic and teacher, and whose bombastic language often caught the attention of people. He pointed out that we, the coloured Khoi and San Nation, should feel honoured to have known the gift we had, that we were Blessed to have had Dr Leonard Martin. He clearly had associated with Dr Leonard Martin and was awed by him.

Paramount Chief Glen Taaibosch requested that Paramount Chief Crawford Fraser do a ceremonial ritual at the graveside. Before the funeral procession arrived at the graveyard, Paramount Chief Crawford Fraser agreed to do the ritual to send Dr Leonard Martin off, but he explained that he would perform a ceremonial ritual and not the traditional Khoi and San !Nau because Dr Leonard Martin had not been affiliated to any of the Khoi and San Houses. Paramount Chief Crawford Fraser proceeded with the ritual, by involving Paramount Chief Glen Taaibosch as well as several of the Khoi and San Chiefs of Gauteng who had attended the burial. Paramount Chief Crawford Fraser made sure to explain each step of the ritual he performed, to avoid any controversy and misconceptions of what he was doing.

All the Tributes were heartfelt and sincere in honour of the late Dr Leonard Martin who will be intensely missed by the coloured Khoi and San community, family and friends as well as academic activist associates.

Photographer: Katherine Muick

Writer: Annette Dippenaar

Editor: Roberta Dippenaar

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